My 2011 Part II – Vienna and Bratislava

Oct. 14, 2011

The next event I decided to play was the $10k Highroller in Vienna and as per usual I turned up late but still in time to register on Day 1. There literally were no soft spots in this event, but as they were televising the final table I felt there was definitely value for me if I were to get a deep run. I had an extremely tough player on my left on day 1 – Tobias Reinkemeyer – and also the winner McLean Carr on the table who also played a very strong game. I got through Day 1 with a little below my starting stack and about 70% of an average stack ready for Day 2.  My table on Day 2 was softer and I was hoping for a good spot to get a double up only for the table to break shortly after.  It was only a few hands before all my chips went in when a short stacked shoved and I reshoved with QQ.  The big blind then woke up with AK and after the dreaded ace on the flop I was sent on my bags.

I decided to play WPT Bratislava as even though it wasn’t televised it was only an hour drive from Vienna, so I decided to travel there with one of my closest friends on the UK Poker Tour, Roberto Romanello.  We were soon joined by Sam Trickett and James Akenhead. We were very well looked after by Poker Stars pro Dag Palovic, who is an extremely friendly person, and we felt we were very safe in a city that some people may choose to stay away from.  


But back to the poker.  My opening table didn’t seem too tough and I pretty much kept around average chips all day.  Day 2, however, didn’t go so great.  Nothing was going my way and I reshipped my 10bb stack in the small blind with AK suited to a mid position open only to get called by A8.  The dreaded 8 on the flop left me rooting on my friend Roberto who seemed to be building chips nicely. James and I decided to rail Roberto and to our delight he went on to the final table as the chip leader.  If a win would mean something to anyone in the poker world then Roberto would have to be up there. He played a phenomenal game, didn’t put a foot wrong, and rightfully took down his second title within 6 months and was now on the verge of becoming the fastest winner of poker’s Triple Crown. It was emotional to say the least.  It’s so touching when poker players, typically known for having dark sides, show so much feeling when taking down the title.  You will never meet a more genuine guy on the poker scene than Roberto, and I could not have been any happier to witness his second major title along with James Akenhead, another top guy on the UK Poker scene. We had some great celebrations after, and were treated to some inspired singing back at the hotel by Titan Pro Marvin Rettenmeir. Everyone was in good spirits back there for the party and everyone had a smile on their face due to the fact that Roberto took the title down.  Congratulations must also go to McLean Carr for winning the Highroller event, he seems to be having some very good tournaments results of late and is another very friendly guy and hard working poker player.

Arriving at the airport with James and Roberto, I really didn’t want to carry on travelling with them to play EPT Berlin as I wasn’t feeling confident poker wise.  But Roberto was really begging me to come with him, so I literally flicked a coin and it went Roberto’s way.  A third poker tournament within a couple of weeks was on the horizon. I played Day 1a and the table seemed ok with a few strong players at it; Ramzi Jelassi on my left is never going to be easy.  I made a very big fold in the early stages for around half my stack with the second nut flush on the turn.  I had made a check raise, but when the board paired on the river I checked and the guy made a healthy value bet. I thought he would check back a small flush so it felt like the Ace high flush or a full house to me, and I made the fold.  My short stack didn’t last too long, and shortly after the dinner break I shipped my 12bb when a guy limped in early position and I woke up with AJ on the button.  The limper had AK, there was a king on the flop, and I couldn’t have gotten a flight home any sooner.

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1 Comment about My 2011 Part II – Vienna and Bratislava

alex b says:

14th of October 2011

roberto is a class tournoment player, i reckon he is in the top 5 in the world

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